NE Procurement

NE Procurement

Warsett Ltd are proud to announce their participation in a £400m contractor framework for social landlords in the North East region. Following an extensive tender process Warsett gained approval to be on a selective list of companies looking to deliver plumbing & heating, joinery, general building, complete service provision & external wall insulation categories.

“The framework tender process was thorough and has resulted in quality contractors, who all have a track record for high-quality delivery, securing places on the framework.”

For more information about the framework please visit the NE Procurement webpage.

Get in touch with us
M:  07557 905731
A:  Room 207, Innovation Centre, Vienna Court, Kirkleatham Business Park, Redcar, TS10 5SH


Company Registration Number: 06226181
Where registered: England & Wales
Registered Office Address: First Floor, Enterprise House, 202-206 Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3QW
VAT no: 164 0205 47

